Devil May Cry Wiki


Boss: Arius[]

Once the cutscenes are over, you’ll have to face Arius for the second time. He uses the same tactics as before, the only factors changing are the arena space and his secretaries. There are thrones scattered around the edge of the room, the location of which Arius will teleport randomly. Watch what direction his black orb self flies.

Lock-on is your foe in this. Liberal use of R2 is recommended to keep the camera steady. His secretaries can be very annoying along with the Jomothumsira. As expected, their fighting style is the same as Lucia’s, and it is very difficult to escape during their combos. Killing them doesn’t affect Arius’s vitality, but they will reward you with White Orbs. Aside from that, hack and slash at Arius until he is defeated.
